Seriously, how cute is he in this Whispers cover?
Even before I got pregnant with Axel I knew that I wanted to give cloth diapers a go. I don't know HOW I knew, or WHY I knew... no one I know has used cloth in recent years and no one told me it was a good idea. I just knew that I wanted to use them. I spent HOURS and HOURS online, researching the best brands and the different types. I found out that a friend of mine on Facebook used cloth, so I asked her some basic questions early on. She gave me the link for Jillian's Drawers and suggested that I use their cloth diaper trial program. If nothing else I'd only be out $10 to return them if I hated it.
When I got them in the mail a couple months before Axel's birth I was ecstatic. So cute they were! And the novelty of using them was just burning a hole in my brain. When Axel was 2 weeks old I started cloth diapering and I haven't regretted a moment of it.
- Better for the environment. Did you know that disposable diapers are the third largest consumable in landfills today, and it's estimated that they take hundreds of years to decompose?
- Less expensive. Did you know that the average child can cost around $1600 for two years in disposables, but you can cloth diaper your baby for about $600 (or less!). AND reuse for the next child?! WINNING!
- Health reasons: You know that absorbency crap in your disposables just isn't natural, right? I mean, that's common sense.
- Cuteness. Fer reals. Cute, cute, CUTE! Pampers has nothin' on these!
- Laundry. Oh my, the laundry. I generally wash my diapers every other day. Actually, it really hasn't been that big of a deal.
- Up-front costs. I'm not gonna lie - I've spent maybe $400 so far on cloth diapers. It's a bit of a shock, but in the long-run I'm saving. And, everything that I've purchased that doesn't fit Axel now (newborn fitteds, pre-folds and covers) will fit our future baby!
- Learning curve. G-Ma still isn't so sure about these pre-folds. It's been a while since I was in diapers!
Buying all the goodies now, while I'm working, is definitely going to work out for me when I start my SAH journey. I'll be left to buy wipes (unless I start using the cloth ones I made...), detergent (until I figure out if there is a way to make my own, cloth-safe detergent) and cloth-safe diaper rash cream (which I'm hopeful I won't need often!)
And, of course, I'm learning as I go along!