Monday, November 5, 2012

Wait, what day is it?

It didn't take long for me to fail on blog posting every day.  The weekend flew by and being at my computer (for any length of time) wasn't in the forefront of my mind.  Eh, it's easy to slack when no one is really reading.

Wearing a hand-knit today.  I love this Noro cowl, but I wish I would have cast on fewer stitches so that it would be snugger on my neck.  I've only worn it once and have kept it in a plastic baggie for almost two years, just in case I wanted to gift it.  Sadly I have no one with an uber fat neck to give it to, so I guess I need to keep thinking of ways to wear it.  I could block it, I suppose.  Make it a bit longer and then maybe double wrap it around my neck.  I need to think about this...

Project 333 is still going swimmingly.  I think I did leave the house on Saturday wearing a t-shirt that wasn't on my list.  Alas, I wore my jean jacket over it so I'm saying that it doesn't count!  And I'm sticking to it.

Halloween is over - the sprint to Thanksgiving is on.  Just a little over two weeks, according to my calendar.  And then, Christmas!  I haven't even begun decorating for fall so I'm thinking it will be skipped this year.  Too much going on and too little time.  And with itty-bitty fingers starting to get into everything, less is more with the house this year!  Still, I miss my fall leaves garland and cute little chachkies that AJ made in former years at school.  *sigh*  My boys are growing up so quick.

My two year wedding anniversary is tomorrow.  It seems like WAYYYY longer than two years.  I'm not sure if that's a good thing or a bad thing, but I'll take one more year!  Hubster says we can even try for a third. HA!

Happy Monday!

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