Sunday, June 30, 2013

Homesteading dream

This is Shelly. Or Eva.  Or "Chicken."
I have this (pipe) dream of creating my own urban homestead.  I would have some chickens, and a garden that flourishes and brings fresh bounty to the table every night.  I would be savvy enough with a sewing machine to make (some of) my own clothes.  I would sell my crafty wares on etsy to make extra money to support my family. The kids and I would be productive all day long. I will teach them the meaning of hard work, and revel in their new-found abilities to do... whatever.  They would learn to cook, love books, and know the meaning of family togetherness.

Then reality strikes and Axel has a REALLY grumpy day where I shove him in front of Daniel Tiger's Neighborhood and wait for the minutes to tick by until bedtime.  My house is a mess. My garden is full of weeds and that chicken up there?  Yeah, she belongs to my neighbors. I barely feel like I have time to sit down, let alone spend quality time with my Pfaff and make ANYTHING.  And knitting?  I've got a dozen WIPs and I haven't finished anything in a few months.  And before then, probably a year!

My restlessness comes from feeling like I can't give anything 100% of my attention.  I want to do everything and have time for nothing.  Frustrating doesn't begin to cover the feeling.

My hope is that come December/January this will change.  I will find a new groove - a new life, of sorts.  New motivation. New perspective.

New, new, NEW!  Out with the old...

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